Question :

How is the equal genetic contribution of male and female parents ensured in the progeny?
Submitted on 26/12/2023
Answered by Vandana Rana

Answer :

Equal genetic contribution of male and female parents in the progeny is ensured by the equal inheritance of chromosome from each parent.

  • Human possesses 23 pairs of chromosomes, of which 22 pairs are autosomes and 1 pair is the sex chromosomes.

  • The two sex chromosomes in human are X and Y. Females have 2 X chromosomes and males have a X and Y chromosome.

  • During the process of fertilization, a haploid sperm fuses with a haploid ovum to produce a diploid zygote.

  • Zygote receives equal amount of genetic material from each parent and thus, retains the diploid nature on fertilization.